Motherhood is so rewarding! I remember feeling that way in the delivery room while holding my baby for the first time. I had no idea back then, how fulfilled I would feel now.

For those of you that are checking out this blog for the first time, I have five wonderful kids. My oldest will be eight this year and my youngest is four months old. At this point in my parenting journey, I’m pretty experienced with the well-meaning stranger in public that says things like “wow, you’ve got your hands full” or “bless your heart.” But what they don’t get a chance to see during our brief encounter is how full my heart is.

Life with five kids isn’t always easy. One question I am often asked is “how do you do it?” If I look at it from the perspective that this is all I’ve ever wanted, parenting is a little more manageable. It is hard to feel overwhelmed when you have a grateful heart. Which leads me to my first reminder:

Mom Reminder #1: Have an Attitude of Gratitude

There are many days I go to bed exhausted and wake up the next morning feeling the exact same way. It doesn’t help that when our babies finally begin sleeping through the night is also right about the time we welcome the next baby into our family. I’m thankful my kids sleep in until after 8am and wake up eager to start their day. But if I let my feelings of exhaustion rob the start to our day, the rest of the day spirals downward from there.

When I find myself waking up with a funky attitude, I take a few minutes and remind myself of five things that I am grateful for. Like this morning, after a restless night with my four month old, this is what I chose to be grateful for instead: I am grateful God chose me to be a mom to these kids, I am grateful that I don’t have to leave for a job in the morning after a restless night, I am grateful my baby finds comfort in me, I am grateful for kids that forgive me when I mess up, and I am grateful for Netflix and endless snuggles on the couch.

Mom Reminder #2: Lean on Your Support System

Of course my husband is my number one support system. After all, we created this life together so we are committed to bringing each other through it, especially on the very worst of days. Communication is key here. My husband only knows how to help when I am able to effectively tell him what I need.

I also have two sisters. In a matter of three years, we each got married and together, had five kids. I went on to have three more after that. But during those first couple of years of being a mom, it was super special to be experiencing those firsts right along side my sisters. I live three hundred miles away from them so we would talk on a weekly (if not daily) basis. Many of those conversations were us gleaming to one another about the joys of being a mom. But on occasion, we cried from feeling lonely and secluded or just plain frustrated.

I have also found great people in our community by using mom support groups on Facebook or the Nextdoor app. It is so awesome when you can find a neighbor that also doubles as a great friend! You can also always send me an email at I’d be happy to write you back!

Mom Reminder #3: Read, Learn, and Grow

There is so much information available these days! As a young mom, who thought she knew it all, I had to humble myself and realize that it was ok to not have all the answers. I had never been a mom before so how would I know everything about being the best one? I don’t have a lot of spare time but I was willing to dedicate twenty minutes a day to begin reading books about marriage and parenting. There is a book for just about any topic you are looking for! Or find a good podcast to listen to while folding laundry!

I believe the most important thing to remember is that you are growing just as much as your kids are (just not physically). Don’t forget to give yourself grace when you don’t have all the answers!

Stay tuned for another blog post that I’m doing on my favorite marriage and parenting books!

Mom Reminder #4 Get a Change of Scenery

After living in Colorado my whole life, I have come to the conclusion that winter is not my favorite season. Don’t get me wrong, I love the snow (so do my kids) and I know how good it is to get snow in the winter to prevent a terribly dry summer. But, the cabin fever is so real. For those of you that are blessed with nice weather all year long, its basically the irritability that comes from being stuck inside for months.

When my kids start getting cabin fever, it reflects in how they treat each other. At this point, I have to become intentional about planning activities outside of the house. Sometimes its nice enough to take a quick walk over to the park and other times I have to be more creative in finding something they can do to burn off energy. I like to use Hulafrog, its a national network of local websites for parents, highlighting the best local events and activities.

A couple of weekends ago, we took the kids to stay in a cabin at Jellystone Park in Estes Park. What might sound like a chaotic weekend cramped in tight quarters in the woods turned out to be the best family vacation we have had yet. I left that weekend feeling like a brand new woman and my kids still haven’t stopped talking about it. We have decided moving forward that we are going to prioritize doing something like that at least once a year.

Don’t forget to prioritize time for just you also. Moms need their own time to breathe too. They say you can’t pour from an empty cup. But anyone who has been a mom before, knows we pour from an empty cup often. So be sure to refill your cup as often as you need to!

Mom Reminder #5: The Days are Long but the Years are Short

My mom had four kids; my two sisters, myself, and my younger brother. She doesn’t offer advice very often because raising kids today is very different than when she was doing it. But she did give me one profound piece of advice that I often remind myself of. She told me, the days are long but the years are short. One day you are wishing the baby phase would be over so you could sleep again and the next day, you are wishing you could get one last baby snuggle in from your toddler that never seems to stop moving. It goes by so fast!

So never take for granted the day you have right in front of you and remember, tomorrow is always a new day.

What are some of your best reminders for moms? Please share in the comments!


  1. Yes! love this!! Remembering how time flies helps put things in to perspective for me when I feel frustrated with my son. And it’s so important for us moms to lean into our support system. We definitely can’t do it all.

  2. Best Reminders! It is hard when you are in the thick of it but when you have those quiet moments its amazing how much love you feel for you little ones no matter what they put you through that day.

  3. This is so great! It’s a great reminder to slow down and enjoy each day with our kiddos. Thanks for this post!

  4. What a great reminder! My kids are all in their teenage years and I feel their childhood just disappeared. So many things I would have done differently.

  5. I absolutely love this! Especially tip #5. It’s so hard to not want to rush certain phases with your baby, but when you’re through it, you really do miss some of the other things that were happening simultaneously that you just weren’t appreciating at the time! Looking forward to your parenting/marriage book suggestions!

  6. I wish I had the “fulfilled by motherhood” genes, or instinct, or hormones, or whatever it is I lack. It’s a struggle for me, and I’ve got half as many kids. But these tips are useful to turn the moments around. Be glad… you are so truly blessed!

  7. Soooo true. I have to lean on my support group. I don’t know what I’d do without them. Whether they’re other moms, teachers, friends or family, it takes a village to help raise the kids and keep mom’s sanity lol!

  8. Jess

    Exactly Anna! My personality type is usually “I’ll figure it out myself or die trying” 😂 but I’m getting better about asking for help!

  9. Jess

    Hi Jessica! Great name 😜 I call my kids sour patch kids…sour then sweet. It sounds like you can relate some days ❤️

  10. Jess

    Hi Sady! Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you could take a little piece of advice with you! ❤️

  11. Jess

    Hey Summer! Your kids are lucky to have you. Always remember that! ❤️

  12. Jess

    I agree Kelsey! I’m so glad you can relate!

  13. Jess

    Thank you! You are also so blessed! If you ever need someone to chat with, don’t hesitate to send me an email! Motherhood is hard ❤️

  14. Jess

    Love it! I’m probably aging myself here but your comment made me think of the song, “Insane in the membrane” 😂

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