With five kids, I feel like I have a higher threshold for dealing with bulls*t. I’m very thankful that Mommy burnout is far and few in between for me. But when it hits, it hits like a ton of bricks and this phase feels like it takes forever to end.

It happened just last week. An irritable seven month old that went through her first sleep regression triggered a downward spiral of emotions for almost two weeks. My days consisted of sitting on the floor next to her to play and, if I even considered for one second trying to stand up just to fill my water, she would scream at me until I picked her up. Her naps were more like 20 minute power snoozes, which made it really hard to eat, shower, or do anything for that matter. My entire house fell apart.

I found myself tapping from an empty source of energy that seemed impossible to refill. I just wanted to throw in the towel and go back to bed.

But I couldn’t and I didn’t.

Has this happened to you before? A quick google search shows that Mommy burnout is a real thing, a real common thing. So I decided to compile a list of my favorite ways to combat burnout. I hope this helps you!

Prioritize Self Care

Self Care Saturday is trending on Instagram. I think Covid made people realize how important their mental health is and a lot of people are doing more to prioritize taking care of themselves.

Some of my favorite things to do are schedule exercise, get a pedicure, read a book, enjoy a cup of tea in peace early in the morning, or crafting a decor piece that makes my environment feel homey.

Do whatever soothes your soul!

Face masks with a couple of my girls!

Start a Social Media Detox

“The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” -Steven Furtick

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Social media is toxic to our mental health. I’m not shunning you for being on it because I still use it too.

I love staying in touch with old friends and helping celebrate their biggest accomplishments. But don’t get so lost in celebrating theirs that you forget to appreciate your journey as well.

Take a Nap

I swear, a good nap solves 95% of my problems and it is the first thing my husband suggests when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I’ve had to work on prioritizing my own sanity over the never ending pile of laundry and dishes. I give you permission to do the same.

So get in your comfy clothes, lock the door, turn on a white noise machine to drown out the kids, and get your butt back in bed!

Give Yourself Permission to Not Be Productive

Seriously, just burn the to-do list for a day. My reader and friend at Poetry and Pies suggested that you focus on things that bring you joy instead of finding value in your productivity. Moms tend to think that our only value comes from how productive we are. So give yourself a break and do something you love.

One of my favorite things to do is craft. I love finding inspiration on Pinterest and challenging myself to do things I have never done before.

I thought doing things I love that didn’t involve my kids was me being selfish. Don’t fall into that trap. You are a still a human with hobbies outside of being a mom!

Get Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Home is where we are most comfortable. Get out of it!

If you’re an introvert, you just stopped reading. But hear me out! Sometimes, all we need is a change of scenery to reset our brains. Life as a stay-at-home mom is monotonous. It feels like we do the same exact thing everyday. So to change it up, go for a walk, hang out at a coffee shop, or go buy yourself something nice. If you’re feeling real spontaneous, plan a fun weekend getaway for just you!

Schedule a Date Night

I know I’m not the only that is guilty of not spending enough quality time with my spouse. Life gets busy and it is so hard to find the time for just the two of you.

So, you need to sit down, find a date that works, and make it happen. Because, remember, you were husband and wife before you became Mom and Dad.

An Empty Tank Will Take You Nowhere

Have you heard the saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup? It is true, even though it feels like as moms, we do it often. So prioritize taking care of you and get back to being the best version of you that you can possibly be!

I’d love to know what you do when you’re feeling burnt out. Let me know in the comments!

1 Comment

  1. Great suggestions! I love your reminder that we were husband and wife before mom and dad! It’s so easy to forget with how much time and energy it takes to be a parent, but you don’t want to look back when your kids are grown and realize you no longer have a relationship with your spouse.

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