Marriage isn’t always easy. Spending a lifetime with the same person takes intentionality and hard work every single day. God only knows how often my husband pushes my buttons. I half jokingly take credit for brining out the best in him. But really, we bring out the best in each other.
My husband’s birthday is in a couple of weeks. To me, birthdays are a big deal. Even as we get older, it is important to celebrate another year with the ones we love the most. So while thinking about what to get someone who literally has everything, I started reflecting on how he has impacted my life. At the same time, I was thinking about my life and what it would be without him. I seriously have no idea how I got so lucky.
So to my dear husband, thank you for the last nine years.
You Love Me Unconditionally
No one is perfect but, my gosh, you make me feel like I am. There are days when I’m still in my pajamas at four in the afternoon and covered in baby spit up. You never hesitate to lean in for a kiss. I don’t think I would even kiss me, but you don’t seem to care (or at least you don’t let it show.)
A lot has changed in the last nine years. But the one thing that hasn’t changed is your love for me. You make me feel so secure. It surprises me that you always notice my new outfits (which honestly, is rare), but it gives me a boost of confidence when you still look at me like I’m the hottest lady you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
You Never Stop Trying to Make Me Laugh
I can’t even count all of the times I have been so frustrated with you because you forgot to put laundry in the dryer the night before or didn’t put away dinner for my lunch the next day. But you always come at me prepared, like you’ve been studying stand up comedy. I try so hard to not crack a smile. The last thing I want you to think is that you’re off the hook that easily. But you always win.

There are countless times you have made me laugh so hard I was crying. Our kids’ favorite game is called “try not to laugh,” where they get a point for every person they can make laugh. They have definitely learned from the best.
You Aren’t Afraid of Hard Work
We often joke that I have the worst resume with the shortest work history. But you have never hesitated, even in the slightest, to take on the work load all by yourself when I said I wanted to be a stay at home mom.
Remember that one winter, when we were struggling to make ends meet and I was feeling a lot of pressure to go find a job? You told me you would work two or even three jobs to ensure I didn’t ever have to put our kids in daycare. You have certainly kept your word. Your work ethic and commitment to this family is incredible. I’m so proud to call you my husband.
You Support Me
When we first started dating, you told me you wanted two kids and now we have five. It wasn’t like there was an ultimatum. But surprisingly, you have always seen the vision I have casted for our family and willingly helped bring it to life.

Crafting and writing are two things you don’t enjoy, even a little. But when I said I wanted to designate time to crafting because I was struggling to find a purpose outside of parenting, you helped me put together my own corner in the basement for my crafting sanctuary. Then, out of the blue, I had this idea of starting a blog. You looked at me a little funny but helped me buy a better computer.
Let’s not forget about the time I came to you with the wild idea of wanting to homeschool our kids or when I asked to build a coop in the backyard to raise chickens. My reasoning was because incubating chicken eggs would make for a really cool homeschool lesson. To which you (happily and enthusiastically, ha!) agreed. You saying yes has led us on some crazy adventures!
Thank You For Choosing Me
I don’t know what made you realize that I’m the one. But I am so happy you continue to wake up every day and choose me. Especially on the days that I don’t make it easy.
Celebrating you on your birthday and another year around the sun together is something I will never take for granted. I can’t wait to spend many more years together and countless adventures with you. Happy Birthday!

Husbands are special, aren’t they? I’d love to hear in the comments what you appreciate most about your husband!