I’ll be honest, we hid in the air conditioned house for most of the week. Colorado was experiencing a major heat wave, which meant we were seeing record breaking highs and a couple of back-to-back 100 degree days. Anyone with blonde hair and fair skin knows what happens when we step out into such hot weather. Our skin singes upon instant contact with the sun.

We did brave the elements at least one time this week and for a good cause. My kids love water balloons but we all hate having to pick up the shredded pieces of rubber scattered throughout the grass afterwards.

Using sponges and some hair bands, I created water bombs. The water fight ends when you’re tired and not when the bucket is empty!

Materials Needed

  • Sponges (make sure they are the non-abrasive kind, I love this 16 pack from Amazon)
  • Scissors
  • Small Elastic Bands (rubber bands or string would work too)
  • Water Bucket

Step #1: Cut the Sponges

Using your scissors, take each sponge and cut them into six short pieces.

Step #2: Tie Sponge Strips Together

Stack nine sponge pieces together. Using one hand, pinch the stack together in the middle. Then, using the other hand, tie an elastic band tightly around the middle.

Step #3: Soak Water Bombs and Each Other

Finally, after all of your sponges are complete, put the water bombs in the water and fill the bucket with water!

Let the Water War Begin!

Water War Alternatives

It was so much fun simply running around and throwing the water bombs at each other. My littlest ones got tired of being easy targets so we had to switch up the games.

Freeze Tag

This works just like the traditional game of freeze tag. One person is the tagger, the rest are the runners. If the tagger hits you with a water bomb, you freeze. The only way to get unfroze is to be water bomb tagged by another runner.

Water Bomb Baseball

One child is the pitcher and the rest are batters. You probably won’t need any outfielders for this game. Each kid gets three swings. This is also a good game to practice hand-eye coordination.

Target Splash

This was a great way to let the kids dry off a little before heading back inside. I took some chalk and drew out a few targets on the driveway. The kids took turns hitting the targets while the older kids kept score. Look at me, sneaking in a little math there, too!

Cause a Little Bit of Summer is What the Whole Year is All About

John Mayer said it best! I often complain about the hot weather in the summer. I also have to work a little harder to beat the heat with fun water games for the kids. But if you think about it, kids only have eighteen summers, so make this one count!

If you’re needing other ideas on how to entertain kids this summer, check my other blog post, 8 of the Best Summer Boredom Busters. A list for kids that my kids helped create!

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