This week I wanted to give my husband, Aaron, a little spotlight on the blog. He doesn’t make an appearance very often because he works really hard so I am able to stay home and homeschool our kids. Awhile back, I wrote a thank you letter to him to remind him of how special he is to us. But in an attempt for you to get to know a little bit about this very important guy, I have put together this husband interview with 20 questions. Some are about our marriage, some are about being a dad, and some are just for fun.

So let’s dive right in!

What surprised you the most about becoming a Dad?

How rewarding it is. I didn’t know they would observe and copy what you do at such a young age. I probably should have done a better job at not having such a bad mouth. But it has been fun watching them each grow up and become so independent after spending what felt like forever being dependent on us.

What is your favorite part about having kids?

Getting to see them each be their own person. How can kids raised in the same house be so different? What’s the Forrest Gump quote about life being like a box of chocolates? That’s kids-you never know what you’re going to get.

What is the toughest part about having kids?

Having five of them. That is pretty self explanatory.

husband interview

How many children did you want to have when you were younger?

Four. But my wife wanted six so I said, why not.

What do you look forward to most in the future?

Getting to see who my kids become. They are turning into pretty cool people already.

What is your favorite memory with me?

PG? Probably to see how excited you were the first time you got to drive my truck…and how f*cking scary it was.

What is your favorite thing about being married?

To have somebody in my corner that is always on my team and there to fill in all of my gaps.

List 5 things you love about me.

  1. Laugh
  2. Smile
  3. Heart
  4. How involved you are with our family
  5. You are a go-getter

Where do you see our family in 5 years?

In a new house in a new state with more kids.

If you could afford it at this moment, what would you buy?

The 2 million dollar home on the river in Tennessee.

What is your favorite family tradition?

Smoked prime rib on Christmas Day. Everything about Christmas Day is great though.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

My 3rd grade paper I found said I wanted to be a janitor. I thought it would be cool to work where you had summers off and all other breaks and holidays the students had off. But in high school, I wanted to be a 9-1-1 dispatcher.

If I had to cook only one meal for you for the rest of our lives, what would it be?

Chicken enchiladas.

What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?

My physique. I wish I could eat what I want when I want without repercussions. And more toned.

Based on our relationship, what advice would you give people who are dating?

Always remember that you are on the same team and this team is the most important one you will ever be on.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Bad drivers. As someone who drives for a living, I have no patience for it.

What did you hate as a child but appreciate now?

Naps. Naps are underrated.

Would you rather go to the past and meet your ancestors or go to the future to meet your descendants?

My descendants. I feel like I could help the future generation excel faster in life if I could help them learn from my mistakes.

What was your very first impression of me?


When was the first time you knew I was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?

One of the weekends you came down from college for the weekend and met my friends and family. You just hit it off with everybody. It was like you fit right in and belonged here with me.

10/10 Would Recommend You Do a Husband Interview Too

This was really fun! I wish I had put together more questions to ask because I especially loved hearing his vision for our family’s future.

Stay tuned as I interview my kids next!


  1. This is so cute! I love that you interviewed your husband for your blog! I love what he said about you two working so well together as a team. That’s so important.

  2. Dang girl great interview you’ve got a so
    Great guy in your corner. I’d say he’s the corner brick in your family’s foundation. Love X’s 7

  3. Carol Ann

    I was impressed from the first time I met him, especially how he treated his wife, and later on as the children came along, what a great father and hard worker who did not let anything getting in the way of taking good care of his family

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