Is anybody else a huge fan of The Home Edit show on Netflix? When that show was added, I’m pretty sure I binge watched all of the episodes during the first few days. It is inspiring and motivating to see what they can do with just about any space!

With five kids, my house is chaos. We have recently implemented a chore chart in our house to help control the chaos and it is definitely helping. I dream of organization and everything having its own place. But I have come to accept my fate, that until these kids are out of my house, things will ALWAYS require cleaning.

I am Just Here for the Snacks

One of the areas in our house that always needs the most help is my kitchen. I love cooking, my kids love helping me cook, and because we don’t have a formal pantry, all snacks are in the kitchen. So if my kids aren’t eating, they are looking for something to eat.

Because of the size of our family, we shop at Sam’s Club once a week to restock. Thankfully we have a basement that can store the bigger items. But we have learned to be creative in where and how we organize snacks so they are accessible to everyone.

I got home with our weeks worth of groceries this last weekend and had absolutely nowhere to put it all. My kids always complain there is nothing to eat in the house. Being the grocery shopper in our household, I know that’s not true. The problem wasn’t that we didn’t have any food; the problem was they couldn’t see past the stale chip bags. My kids are famous for opening a brand new bag of chips without finishing the open one. Or they put the chip bag back in the cabinet wide open so the chips are legitimately stale. Its maddening!

Snack Attack

I was so extremely motivated to dive in and get started on reorganizing that I forgot to get a picture of the “before.” But i did get a picture of it all laid out on my kitchen table. The entire contents on the table was magically crammed into that one cabinet. Magically crammed meaning if you were the unlucky fellow that had to open the door, you’d never be found under the avalanche of chips.

In the past, I have done a full kitchen reorganization using dollar tree items. But this time I focused solely on the snacks. These are my two favorite and most used bins. You can find the wire cabinet shelf at Dollar Tree or Big Lots for a few bucks.

Work Hard, Snack Often

Now, the fun part! I decided to give each snack its own bin so my kids knew exactly where to find everything. I almost went a step further and labeled each bin but we often switch out snacks. So for now, the clear bins with no labels works just fine! What a difference, huh?

The first thing my husband said was, “well, lets hope it stays that way.” Which, besides sharing with you, was the reason I took a picture. So there is at least some evidence somewhere reflecting my hard work.

What are your best tips on organizing snacks? Please let me know in the comments!

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