Whenever we go out in public, we get some weird looks.

I remember asking my husband when we first started dating, how many kids he wanted. At the time, he told me two. I was worried it would be a deal breaker when I told him I wanted four. Our inside joke is that after a little negotiating, we compromised on having six (hopefully).

Sometime after having my third kid, I had this feeling I couldn’t shake that four kids wasn’t all we were meant to have. Then, after having our fourth child, I knew for certain that I wanted more.

Sometimes, I wish I had a better reasoning than just “a gut feeling” to explain to people who often ask us why. I know I shouldn’t have to explain that to anyone. But holy moly, I wish you knew how many times people ask us that. And all of the other ridiculous questions we are asked when people see our kids.

Yes, I Know How This Happens

We are obviously really good at it!

I remember having someone over at the house to install a new garage door opener. The kids came out to see who was here and what was going on. When the guy suddenly realized the amount of kids pouring out of the door, he stopped his work and asked, “don’t you guys have a TV?”

Just as quick as he was to ask his question, I said, “yeah, but watching TV isn’t as fun.” He laughed and went back to work. I was paying him to fix the garage door, right? Not give his two cents on the size of my family.

But, over the years, I have learned not to be so easily offended. I want my kids to take pride in their character and refrain from reacting to people who aren’t being polite or respectful.

Yes, They Are Undoubtedly All Mine

And then also queue the question, “you don’t look old enough to have all of those kids!” Which I guess is flattering because there are somedays where I feel really old.

I will always remember the time I had just given birth to my fifth. I just moved from labor and delivery and met my nurse that would be caring for me that night. She was asking if this was my first child and I told her about the others at home. She looked at my husband quite shocked, and asked if they were all his. My husband, being a little tired (and a little bit of a smart*ss), had to bite his tongue. He so badly wanted to say something like, “no, the other dad is waiting downstairs.”

Trust me, I’m just as shocked as most people that one man agreed to have all of these kids. I’m glad I married the man who saw my vision for our family, helped bring it to fruition, and then also financially supports it.

Yes, My Hands Are Full

Full hands, full lap, full house, full dinner table, full car, all of it. I knew what I was signing up for when I decided to carry and birth all of these kids. It is a lifetime commitment being a Mom.

But you want to know something? My heart is extremely full knowing I’m living and fulfilling my lifelong dream.

So people can judge all they want. I only hope they find something that brings them as much joy as my children do.

Be sure to follow me on social media to see what our family is up to! You can find us on Instagram and Facebook @blissthismess


  1. I love seeing your insight into being a parent of so many kids because you have such a unique perspective. I came from a family of three kids and only want two of my own, but I’ve always been so curious about women who have wanted more than the “average” 2-3 kids. I always look forward to seeing more about your life and the undoubtedly creative tips you have!

  2. I never thought about the judgment from your side of things! I get pestered with questions about baby #2. It’s helpful to hear how you handle the dumb comments people make. Also, you have wonderful kids, so they can just deal!

  3. I wish some people wouldn’t be so rude and I have no idea why bigger families receive so much scrutiny. Your family, your business. And you have a beautiful family! If you want more kids go for it! Everyone has their own idea of how many they want and that is perfectly acceptable in my book.

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