We welcomed our fifth baby in January of 2021. We delivered at the same hospital as our other four and with the same doctor as the previous two kids. I thought I knew what to expect. After all, I could basically do this with my eyes closed. Or so we thought.

Like a lot of people, COVID threw us a few curveballs. 1/10, I do not recommend having a baby during COVID. Although, our baby was the highlight of a rather weird and stressful year, the experience turned out to be a little depressing. Here’s why.

The Hospital Was Tense

Since we weren’t in the middle of a lockdown when we had our baby, a mask wasn’t required during labor. It was only required if we left our room. But still highly recommended when different doctors and nurses entered our room. I missed seeing the friendly and comforting faces of my nurses and doctor.

My baby’s heart rate was dropping significantly during contractions right before she was born. A situation my doctor had full control over. But, it was hard to read facial expressions when all you can see are eyes.

No Siblings Allowed

Basically nobody but one labor support person was allowed. Thankfully, I had even that. I heard horror stories of people’s spouses not even being allowed in the delivery room when their baby was born.

Traditionally, in the past, our kids came to the hospital and we would get really cute pictures of them meeting their new sibling for the first time. But this time, no one came. My husband always leaves for the night to have a special sleepover with the big kids at home. This allows me to spend time with our brand new baby. But the hospital was very quiet lonely. I couldn’t wait to go home.

Nobody Came to Meet The New Baby

Out of respect for keeping our family healthy and not risking COVID with a new baby, most people avoided coming to meet the new baby. I will admit, most people stopped coming to meet the new baby after our second was born. But I really missed enjoying comforting, home cooked meals from our family and friends.

Public Places Were a No-Go

We were stuck at home…A LOT. My 3 year old even began cutting her own hair out of boredom. Cabin fever is so real when you’re spending every day for months at a time stuck at home. The only time I got out was after my husband got home from work. My typical outing included grabbing our weekly groceries from curbside pick up. Pretty exciting, right?

It wasn’t until very recently, when our baby was 6 months old, that we all finally wandered into a grocery store together. Even now, people were hesitant to get too close to ooh and ahh over a cute little baby.

Moms Are Resilient

It is very weird times we are living in right now. I look forward to better days ahead! But this experience solidified my belief that Moms can handle literally anything. We adapt and overcome some of the craziest battles. We do it without recognition, without complaining, and without pay.

So if you had your first baby during Covid, understand that this isn’t normal. If you found yourself struggling more than you thought you would, know you are not alone.

But more importantly, don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back, enjoy an extra glass of wine, or just give yourself a break. We will get through this together!


  1. Although not as bad for us since my girl was born just before the pandemic really hit, we definitely had such a different experience than most new parents for Olivia’s first year of life. Very soon after her birth we started the quarantine life and she barely saw the outside world or other people. I can’t imagine going through that AND having kiddos at home. You’re so right that we mom’s really can do anything!!

  2. This is really helpful! I’m hoping and praying we aren’t still in a pandemic when I have another baby, but it’s really helpful to know this. Thank you!! Beautiful baby 🙂

  3. I can only imagine going through that. I work for an obgyn office and we couldn’t even have spouses in to see the ultrasounds. They had to FaceTime their loved ones. COVID did and still does make the pregnancy a lonely journey.

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