I was compensated with free product in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own and not influenced by Miacademy.

Starting our homeschooling journey was more overwhelming than I expected it to be. My biggest challenge was finding a curriculum that was easy to teach and even more fun for my kids to learn.

In a recent blog post, I listed 7 reasons why homeschooling was our best option. One of the reasons our family decided to homeschool was because it gave us the freedom to choose how to teach and what to teach.

We started with a traditional curriculum that came highly recommended by multiple people. You know, the ones with the instruction manuals that weigh as much as a toddler and also come with student workbooks that are probably older than me. After daily meltdowns over not wanting to do school work, I knew something had to change.

The following year, we dove right into online curriculums. Google was keeping track of my recent searches and started bombarding my social media with ads for Miacademy. With a first month trial price of $1.99 per student, I couldn’t pass it up! After only two weeks of using the site, I purchased the one year membership plan. I felt like I had just struck gold! I couldn’t believe the night and day difference with my kids’ enthusiasm! Miacademy became the hero of our homeschool experience. Here’s what we found!

1. Safety and Moderation

The internet can be a scary place to immerse young children in. My first priority in finding an online curriculum was making sure it was safe for students to interact on. Miacademy does a fantastic job at moderating everything on the site. This includes public comments, private messages between students, and videos they can upload to the site.

There is also an option to select co-ed, girls only, or boys only when considering Miacademy and its other sites, Clever Dragons, and Always Ice Cream. We have been very pleased with the co-ed site but love that they allow parents to choose what is best for their family.

Kenzie’s drawing of Mia, the Miacademy mascot.

2. Numerous Courses

I was shocked to see the amount of courses that Miacademy offers! Along with typical core subjects, they also offer elective courses like foreign languages, music and arts, life skills, and biblical studies.

It is also helpful that the courses have recommended age ranges rather than one specific grade. As homeschoolers who have been doing this for a few years, we know each kid goes at their own pace. But, if your family is new to homeschooling and overwhelmed with where to begin, the age range recommendation gives you a starting point that can be adjusted later if needed. Miacademy is fully customizable for each student. How cool is that?

3. Simple and Straightforward

Navigating the parent portal is so easy! I am able to log in and check my kids’ progress, assessment scores, and print worksheets. As the parent, you are also able to determine what a passing grade is for assessments. If your child doesn’t meet that requirement, the assessment is automatically reassigned for the next day.

The parent portal also allows you to add custom holiday breaks and adjust start and end times for each school year. After that, Miacademy automatically adjusts the work load for each student. Every day that they log on, they know exactly what they are supposed to do. With a self directed curriculum, my kids have become much more independent!

4. Customer Service and Support

Miacademy also has a wonderful Facebook page for support. It gives parents a place to ask questions and interact with other homeschool families. The admin on that page are always quick to respond! I have seen many parents make great suggestions for future courses that have been passed along to the content team for consideration. When it comes to our kids’ education, it is a great feeling knowing our voices are being heard.

But if you are having an issue on the website or need a question answered right away, Miacademy makes it easy to contact support with a little pop up menu in the corner of the screen. Their customer service is top notch!

5. Student Interaction

Of course, I couldn’t give you a complete review on Miacademy before my kids got a chance to speak on the subject!

Without hesitation, they both said the community of kids and the fun activities they can participate in is their favorite thing about using this curriculum. It offers multiple ways for kids to practice together with fun educational games. They even get to practice real life skills by selling items they have created to other students. I have seen some seriously talented kids!

But my kids’ absolute favorite activity is uploading their own videos to be viewed by their peers. It is like having their own YouTube channel, only better. However, for those that prefer to write, students can also submit an article for the weekly newspaper. This is a super safe platform for kids to express themselves on!

Time is Precious, Spend it Doing the Things You Love

Let’s face it, there are never enough hours in the day. Thank you, Miacademy, for taking away the frustration and insanity of lesson planning! I now spend that time planning enthralling activities and field trips that my kids will remember. These are the memories of homeschooling I will forever cherish!

If you have any questions about this curriculum, please leave them in the comment section below. I’ll do my best to answer them!


  1. Hello, my question is I see that there are pages that need to be printed by the kids. We have multiple children who homeschool. I want to know if you feel like they can print these papers on their own to complete or do they need parent help? Does it give them a button right from the assignment to print the pages that need to be printed?

    Thank you!

  2. Jess

    Hi Naomi! I know Miacademy is working on a solution to make it easier to view and print the PDFs from iPads because right now their program isn’t user friendly with iOS. But it does give them the option to directly print them on the day it is assigned and I do feel most of the printouts can be done with little to no supervision. I hope that helps!

  3. Katrina

    I’ve been using miacademy for 2 weeks now and my son loves it. My question is, are the practice sessions meant to all be completed in 1 day? Like he watches the teaching, and then does the practices, there’s usually 12 practices or so, should he be completing all the practices every day?
    Thank you so much for this article!

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